In this episode, Mairi travels to Floors Castle Gardens near Kelso, where she has afternoon tea in the summerhouse built for Queen Victoria’s visit in 1867. She is also shown how to create a beautiful autumn wreath from the flowers in the garden, finds about the design of the formal Millennium Garden, and hears about a RHS project currently under way in the walled garden. Tèarlach Quinnell, who has his own small orchard, talks about heritage varieties of apple.
Sa phrògram seo, thig Màiri a Ghàrraidhean Chaisteal Floors faisg air Kelso far an gabh i cùpa tì ann an taigh-samhraidh air a thogail airson turas na Bànrìgh Bhictoria ann an 1867, thèid sealltainn dhith mar a nì i fleasg fhlùraichean foghar bho flùraichean sa ghàrradh, cluinnidh i mu dhealbhachadh Gàrradh formail na Mìle Bliadhna agus mu phròiseact RHS.
Bruidhnidh Tèarlach Quinnell, aig a bheil lios-ùbhlan, mu dhiofar seòrsaichean de dh’ùbhlan dùthchasail.
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