We forced Artificial Intelligence to digest massive amounts of human media and then write its own versions. Everything from The One Show to Game of Thrones, Friends, Songs of Praise and more via movies, fables, adverts, Shakespeare, poetry and, er, gardening tips (and much much more) are all forever ruined by technology.
We take the scripts, push them word-for-word into the mouths of actors, and the result is absurdly, joyously - and then absurdly again - hilarious.
This is the comedy that conclusively proves that AI is an absolute idiot.
Based on materials by Saturday Night Live and Jimmy Kimmel writer Keaton Patti.
Forcing A Bot To Write This Show are:
Jon Holmes
Sarah Dempster
Gareth Ceredig
Performed by:
Isy Suttie
James Lance
Lauren Douglin
Esmonde Cole
Craig Parkinson as The Narrator
Olivia Williams as The Storyteller
Original Music by Jake Yapp. Lyrics: Holmes / Ceredig / Patti
Produced and Directed by Jon Holmes
Technical Wizardry: Tony Churnside
Production Coordinator: Laura Grimshaw
An unusual production for BBC Radio 4 Show less