Blacksmith Andy from Glasgow and willow weaver Ciara from County Fermanagh are both hoping to turn their talents into successful businesses. As an Offshore engineer, Andy works on rotation, spending three weeks away and then three weeks at home. To allow him to fulfil his dream of forging a full-time career in blacksmithing and spend more time with his family, he needs to prove that he can earn enough from his pieces to quit his current job.
Ciara has only been weaving willow baskets for two years, but mentor Eddie believes if she tweaks her techniques and takes on his challenge to speed up production, she could make enough money to achieve aspirations of helping to support her young family.
Each maker is given eight weeks to put their mentors’ advice into action, but changing their lives won’t come easily. They will need to give everything they have to show they can make a career from their crafts. Show less