From Canada's eastern province of Cape Breton, we make our way on a journey to Toronto, Ontario, in search of Scottish Gaelic families who made a new life in this vast country over 100 years ago. The journey carries on to Nova Scotia via a vineyard on the edge of the Bras d’Or Lake. In Halifax, we find out more about the extraordinary Canadian immigration stories from our shores. How do generations of Scots identify with their roots? Join Anne MacAlpine on a cultural voyage of discovery.
An t-seachdains, tha sinn a’ cumail oirnn air ar turas-rathaid a dh’Alba Nuadh ach tha gu leòr ùine againn stad aig fìon-lios Gàidhlig ri taobh Loch Bras d’Or. Ann an Halifax, cluinnidh sinn barrachd sgeulachdan in-immreachais iongantach bho thaobh an iar na h-Alba. Show less