Tha Erica Nic a’ Phearsain air ais a’ toirt cruth-atharrachadh àlainn air seòmaran agus toglaichean le a dealbhachadh sònraichte. Leanaidh sinn i bho thoiseach gu deireadh phròiseactan is sinn a’ faicinn gach pàirt den phròiseas, bho phlana air pàipear gu bhith a’ trusadh stuthan airson crìoch snasail a chur orra.
Interior designer Erica MacPherson is back with a second series of ‘Rùm gu Rùm, le Erica’, where we’ll see her transforming rooms, homes and businesses. We follow her process from architectural plans to trawling auction houses and shops for finishing touches.
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