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Series 30

Episode 11

Duration: 28 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBA HDLatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 5 months

Tha riaghaltas na Gearmailt a’ beachdachadh air cleachdadh chainb airson adhbharan cleasachail a cheudachadh fon lagh airson a’ chiad uair. Thathar a’ cumail a-mach nacheil casg air a bhith soirbheachail ann a bhith ga chumail fo smachd agus daoine òga a dhion bho dhrugaichean mi-laghail. Ach, mar a tha Anna Nicleòid ag aithris, tha draghan air nochdadh mu phlanaichean a’ riaghaltais bho fheadhainn a tha rabhadh mun droch bhuaidh a dh’fhaodadh a bhith aig cleachdadh an druga airson ùine fhada air slàinte-inntinn dhaoine.

Tha Anndra MacFhionghain anns an Fhraing a’ rannsachadh mar a tha biastagan a’ tòiseachadh air nochdadh air clàran-bìdh na dùthcha. Thathar a’ meas gu faodadh leithid de dh’ainmhidhean àite feòil a ghabhail mar bhun-stuth grunnan-feòla seasmhach anns na bliadhnaichean tha romhainn. Ach a bheil sinn deiseil airson gabhail ri leithid chniumhean-mine agus greollain mar bhiadh, air neo am bith sinn gu bràth air ar sgreamhachadh leotha?

The German government is proposing to legalise the use of cannabis for recreational purposes for the first time. It argues that the current ban has not been effective in combating illegal drug use and that legalisation will also help better protect young people. But as Anna Macleod finds out, there is concern about the government’s plans from those who warn of the long-term health effects of cannabis use.

Andrew Mackinnon is in France investigating the appearance of insects on the country’s restaurant menus. A plan to establish what is claimed will be the world’s largest insect farm near Paris has focused on the role that they could play in replacing meat as a sustainable source of protein in the future, and as the earth’s population continues to grow. But are we ready to overcome our natural revulsion at eating meal worms and crickets and accept them on our dinner plates? Show less

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This data is drawn from the data stream that informs BBC's iPlayer and Sounds. The information shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was/is subject to change and may not be accurate. More