At the end of Season 1 of Matthew Broughton’s thriller, young artist Jess rescued her boyfriend Dan from gang leader, Joe Magner. But in the process, she accidentally shot and killed Magner.
Dan wants to make a new start and move away from the corruption and violence of gang life. And Jess is trying to be supportive, but there’s something that keeps pulling her back to the criminal world.
As Jess learns how to tune into her synaesthesia – she sees sound as colour and pattern – it’s clear that there’s a widening perception gap between her and Dan. And no one’s talking about Ronnie Vaz. Who’s vanished from the face of the earth.
Holli Dempsey and Josef Altin star in a thriller of conflicting perception from Matthew Broughton, creator of podcast drama Tracks.
Jess…..Holli Dempsey
Dan…..Josef Altin
Molly…..Molly Pepper Tuer
Man…..Dean Rehman
Melissa…..Alexandria Riley
Directed by Emma Harding
Production co-ordinators Eleri McAuliffe and Lindsay Rees
Sound design by Catherine Robinson and Nigel Lewis
Produced by John Norton, Philippa Swallow and Emma Harding for BBC Audio Drama Wales Show less