Air an t-slighe bheòthail seo, tha sinn a’ faighinn sealladh nas dlùithe air beatha còig luchd-trèanaidh bho air feadh Astràilia agus iad uile a’ gabhail pàirt san deuchainn againn: cuilean Kelpie a thoirt gu ìre – airson a bhith mar phàirt de sgioba nan con trusaidh.
As t-earrach, tha na cuileanan a-nis ceithir mìosan a dh’aois agus ge bith a bheil iad deiseil no nach eil, thèid iad uile tro na deuchainnean mòra a mheasas ma tha iad air an t-slighe cheart airson a bhith nan coin trusaidh math.
An action-packed yet intimate character journey about the lives of five very different Australian dog trainers as they participate in our experiment: to take a new Kelpie pup and transform it from a greenhorn to an efficient working member of the mustering pack.
It’s spring and the puppies are officially four months old and, ready or not, they each step through the milestone assessments to that will determine if they are on track to be quality muster dogs.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles. Show less