When Andrew wins a real human skull they unleash a curse that might bring their magical quest to an end. If they're going to survive they going to have to find the skull's slightly miffed original owner - Aelric, last of the druids. Meanwhile, Siobhan goes on a date with Chrontar and Barry - a pair of demons who are hiding a deadly secret... Lucky girl!
With Andrew O'Neill, Carly Smallman, Toby Hadoke, Phil Nichol, Sanjeev Kohli, Geoff McGivern, Jen Brister, Joel Trill, Lucy Pearman Sami Abu Wardeh, Yuriko Kotani and Ellie Dobing. Narrated by Alan Moore.
Written by Andrew O'Neill and Tom De Ville
Produced by Alison Vernon-Smith
A Yada-Yada Audio Production. Show less