In the series debut, DMs Are Open sees show hosts Athena Kugblenu and Ali Official dissecting the big stories alongside Will Hislop, Meggie Foster and Tom Lawrinson. Tune in for sketches, one-liners and voice notes about over-eager tree surgeons, a Brexit nightclub and the gritty origin story of Donkey Kong.
Written by: Will Adnams, Arfie, Danny Antrobus, Hamish Lloyd-Barnes, Davina Bentley, Carl Carzana, Tasha Dhanraj, Paul Di Paola, David Duncan, Kit Foxley, Jade Gebbie, Jacob Hatton, Neil James Hudson, Tom Lawrinson, Martin Pilgrim & Jennifer Walker
Voice notes by: Hamish Lloyd-Barnes, James Docherty, Kit Foxley, Mo Gascoigne & Phil Green
Script Editors: Catherine Brinkworth & Gráinne Maguire
Producers: Sadia Azmat & Rajiv Karia
Production Coordinator: Sarah Nicholls
Sound Editor: Sean Kerwin
Sound Engineer: Neil Goody
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