In the series debut, DMs Are Open sees show hosts Athena Kugblenu and Ali Official dissecting the big stories alongside Mamoun Elagab, Barney Fishwick and Lucia Keskin. Tune in for sketches, one-liners and voice notes about the cast of Cluedo sharing a tiny flat, a Millennial Old Folks home, and how Headspace are diversifying their brand.
Written by: Will Adnams, Simon Alcock, Juliana Ayeni-Stevens, Marcus Besley, Nathan Cowley, Derek Duncan, Rachel E. Thorn, Barney Fishwick, Kit Foxley, Jade Gebbie, James Gill, Alex Kealy, Rupert Knowles, Helena Langdon, Philip Lickley, Paul Masterman, Alex Prescot, Vicky Richards, Will Sebag-Montefiore & Tom Smith
Voice notes by: Rebecca Bain, Alex Garrick-Wright, James Gill, Edy Hurst & Lorna Rose Treen
Script Editors: Gemma Arrowsmith & Tasha Dhanraj
Producers: Sadia Azmat & Rajiv Karia
Production Coordinator: Sarah Nicholls
Sound Editor: Sean Kerwin
Sound Engineer: Neil Goody
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