Sreath ùr de sgeidichean comadaidh; cruinneachadh de charactaran eibhinn, spoofs, gaol gun diù agus comadaidh-uabharrrach. Air a sgrìobhadh agus a chluich le talant sonraichte, ùr agus steidhichte. Le Artair Donald, Ellen NicDhòmhnaill, Darren Mac’illEathain, Carina MacLeod, Hannah McKirdy, Lana Pheutan agus Daibhidh Walker. A gabhail a-steach, goal luideach eadar da phosta, a taghadh croit Albannach na bliadhna, blàr mòr eadar cinnidhean agus còmhlan a dol air adhart airson duais Eurovision a bhuannachadh - aoighean àraid Peat & Deisel!
An all-new sketch show featuring a collection of comic characters, spoofs, unrequited love and comedy horror. Written by and starring the very best in emerging and established comic talent.
Featuring Artair Donald, Ellen MacDonald, Darren Maclean, Carina Macleod, Hannah McKirdy, Lana Pheutan and David Walker. Includes an unspoken affair of the heart between two rural posties, the selection process behind Scotland’s Croft of The Year, an epic battle of the Clans, and the band earmarked to finally bring home the Eurovision trophy - special guests Peat & Diesel!
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