Tha oidhirp as ùr air nochdadh sa Spàinn airson eachdraidh bhrùideil na dùthcha fo dheachdaireachd an t-Seanalair Franco aithneachadh. Thathar a’ tomhas gu bheil na mìltean de chuirp fhathast ann am mòr-uaighean, nacheil comharraichte, air feadh na dùthcha, de dhaoine a chaidh a’ mhurt aig àm a Chogaidh Shìobhalta is às a dhèidh. Tha Anndra MacFhionghain a’ rannsachadh na thathas ga dhèanamh gus na uaighean sin a chladhach as ùr gus faochadh a thoirt dha teaghlaichean nam mairbh. Tha Andreas Wolff anns an t-Suain far a bheil dragh ann mun bhuaidh aig mèinneireachd air àrainneachd is cultar sluagh dùthchasach an Sami. Ach tha na companaidhean mèinnearachd a’ ràdh gu bheil iad a’ cruthachadh chosnaidhean agus a’ cur ris an eaconomaidh uaine.
New efforts are under way in Spain to address its brutal past under the dictatorship of General Franco. It’s estimated the remains of thousands of people killed during the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath are buried in unmarked mass graves throughout the country. Andrew Mackinnon reports on how these graves are being exhumed in an attempt to acknowledge this dark episode of the nation’s past and provide redress to the families of those who were killed. Andreas Wolff is in northern Sweden where there are concerns about the impact of metal and mineral mining on the environment and culture of the indigenous Sami people. The mining companies say that the mines offer employment and are important to the promotion of a greener economy. Show less