Comadaidh às ùr le sgeidsichean loma-làn charactaran èibhinn, sgeulachdan gaoil agus cùisean eagail.
Air a sgrìobhadh le cuid de na sgrìobhadairean a fheàrr agus as ùire sa ghnìomhachas, chithear Artair Donald, Ellen NicDhòmhnaill, Darren MacIlleathain, Carina NicLeòid, Hannah NicKirdy, Lana Pheutan agus Daibhidh Walker a’ toirt beò an comadaidh ùr tha seo. A-measg na bhios a’ nochdadh bidh sgeulachd gaoil eadar dithis phost, farpais Scotland’s Croft of the Year, teinnead san àite-obrach, blàr eadar Chinnidhean agus chì sinn Peat & Diesel a’ dèanamh oidhirp farpais Eurovision a bhuannachadh!
Sketch show featuring a collection of comic characters, spoofs, unrequited love and comedy horror. Written by and starring the very best in emerging and established comic talent.
Featuring Artair Donald, Ellen MacDonald, Darren Maclean, Carina Macleod, Hannah McKirdy, Lana Pheutan and David Walker.
Includes an unspoken affair of the heart between two rural posties, the selection process behind Scotland’s Croft of The Year, an all-action grudge against the boss in the workplace, an epic battle of the Clans, and the band earmarked to finally bring home the Eurovision trophy - special guests Peat & Diesel!
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