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Clann Na Cruinne

Series 2

Lena – An Croitear Òg/Lena – The Young Crofter

Duration: 15 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for years

Gun teagamh, tha fios aig Lena, a tha deich bliadhna a dh’aois, às na Hearadh anns na h-Eileanan an Iar, dè tha na h-amhairc airson an dearbh àm seo agus airson an ama ri teachd – a bhith ag obair le na caoraich aice air a bheil i cho dèidheil. Tha i airson ionnsachadh bho a h-athair agus na croitearan as sine airson gun urrainn dhi an dòigh-beatha traidiseanta àiteachais leis an deach a togail a chumail a’ dol.

Tha an t-àm ri tighinn sàbhailte airson croit an teaghlaich leis a’ chroitear òg èasgaidh seo a tha dèidheil a bhith aig cridhe obair croitearachd sam bith a dh’ fheumas a h-athair a dhèanamh. Ach am bliadhna, tha amas sònraichte aice – turas a dhèanamh gu Eilean Phabaigh airson a’ chiad uair airson tachartas sònraichte croitearachd a bhios a’ gabhail àite a h-uile bliadhna.

Le ceangal làidir agus dàimh shònraichte aice ris an dòigh-beatha traidiseanta air an eilean, agus gun talamh, an cultar agus gu h-àraidh na beathaichean aca fhèin, bheir Lena sealladh dhuinn air co ris a tha beatha coltach do chroitearan òg eileanach Albannach a tha a’ cumail dòigh-beatha traidiseanta muinntir nan Eilean Siar beò.

Ten-year-old Lena from the Isle of Harris in the Western Isles of Scotland knows exactly what she wants for her present and her future – to work with her beloved sheep. She wants to learn from her father and older crofters so that she can continue the traditional agricultural way of life that she is being brought up with.

The future of the family croft is in safe hands with this passionate young crofter who likes to be at the heart of any work her father has to do. But this year, she has a clear goal in mind - to make the trip to the off-shore island of Pabbay for the first time for a very special annual crofting activity.

With an intrinsic, deep connection and bond to the traditional way of life on their island and to the land, culture and of course, their animals, Lena will provide a glimpse of what life is like for young Scottish island crofters who are continuing the proud and traditional way of life of generations of Hebrideans. Show less

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