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Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail


Mod na Cloinne

Duration: 2 hours

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris prògram bhon Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail a tha a’ tachairt ann an Inbhir Nis. Am measg na bhitheas a’ nochdadh air a’ phrògraim bidh seinneadairean a bhuannaich farpaisean air an latha agus cuideachd an fheadhainn a fhuair molaidhean às dèidh dhaibh a bhith seinn no cluich ionnstramaid air loidhne. Cuideachd bidh Cathy còmhla ri aoighean Fiona Dunn agus Alasdair Mac'Ille Bhàin a’ toirt sùil air ais air feadhainn dheth na seinneadairean òg a bhuannaich aig diofar Mhòdan tro na bliadhnaichean. Cuiridh Cathy fàilte oirbh gu còmhraidhean air cò ris a bha e coltach a bhith gabhail pàirt ann am farpaisean agus cluinnear measgachadh de dh'òigridh a ghlèidh na prìomh dhuaisean aig diofar mhòdan airson cleasachd, seinn aon-neach, seann nòs, seinn chòisirean agus feadhainn a bhuannaich prìomh fharpais seinn an luchd-ionnsachaidh, Bonn Cuimhneachan Sheumais C Mhic a’ Phì.

Cathy MacDonald presents some of the successful performers from the first day of the Children’s singing competitions in Inverness. Featured singers will include young people who have won competitions on the day as well as those who have received commendations after singing or playing an instrument in the online events.

Cathy welcomes guests Fiona Dunn and Alasdair Whyte to look back on some of the young singers who won at various Mods over the years and chat about their memories on what it was like to compete at the event. Also featured will be a mix of top prize winners at previous Mods for acting, solo singing, traditional singing, choir singing and some of the young people who won the learners' main singing competition, the James C MacPhee Memorial Medal. Show less

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