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Dealbh is Slighe

Series 1

Tharais air an Uisge/Over Water

Duration: 10 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 5 months

Ann an sreath ùr, tha Calum MacIlleathain a’ measgachadh an tlachd a bhitheas e faighinn a’ rùileachadh diofar àiteachan agus a’ togail dhealbhan. Le seallaidhean àlainn bho air feadh na h-Alba bidh gach prògram a’ sealltainn Calum a’ dol air turas shònraichte a tha a’ tighinn gu crìch le cothrom dealbh àraid a chruthachadh.Tha Calum feumach air iomadach doighean-obrach airson na dealbhan a ghlacadh. Anns an treas prògram bidh Calum air ais air an uisge agus a’ siubhail gu Caisteal Caol a’ Chuirn, airson dealbh annasach a lorg. Aig taobh an iar-thuath Loch Obha, mar ’s gum biodh e a’ cumail sùil air an loch, tha Caisteal Caol a’ Chuirn còrr is coig ceud bliadhna dh’aois, agus aon de na caistealan as cliùitiche ann an Alba. Tha dealbhan den àite seo gu math pailt ach leis a’ ghrian gus a dhol fodha, feumaidh Calum solais a chleachdadh son dealbh sònraichte a thogail.

Intrepid Calum Maclean combines his love of exploring with that of photography. Featuring stunning locations from around Scotland - from the northern Highlands to the Borders, the Aberdeenshire coast to the islands of Argyll - each episode sees Calum embark on a unique journey that culminates in opportunities for special photos.

His mode of travel is as varied as the locations, with Calum running, biking, boating and scrambling - all the while keeping his keen photographer’s eye peeled for evocative shots. Calum has to employ different photographic techniques, some precise and thought out, while others are more spontaneous. Each episode features different cameras that Calum has chosen to use all with his distinctive enthusiasm and flair!

Calum travels across Loch Awe to reach Kilchurn Castle and applies lighting to capture the castle during darkness.

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