Series 28
Episode 17
29 minutes
Tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein a’ coimhead air ais air cuid de na sgeulachdan a nochd air Eòrpa thairis air an t-sreath-sa le iomradh air leasachaidhean a thàinig orra bhon chiad chraoladh. Am measg nan sgeulachdan bha molaidhean airson sgeama ceudachaidh airson sealg nan cearcan fraoich; plana airson port fànais ann an Cataibh; agus dìth thaigheadais aig prìs reusanta ann an sgìrean dùthchail anns na h-Eileanan Siar.
Annabel Maclennan presents a look back at some of the stories that have featured in the current series of Eòrpa along with updates on recent developments. Amongst the stories were controversial proposals to regulate grouse shooting, a dispute over plans for a spaceport in Sutherland and concerns at the lack of affordable housing in rural areas of the Western Isles.
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