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Miann na Maighdinn-mara/Mermaid Tales

Series 1

Episode 4

Duration: 29 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for 9 months

Tha Miann na Maighdinn-mara a’ leantainn an eileanaich òig, Kate Nicleòid à sgìre àlainn Ùig ann an Eilean Leòdhais, a th’ air a bhith air a beò-ghlacadh leis a’ mhuir bho ’s cuimhne leatha.

Cuide ri bhith an sàs ann an tursan mara, tha i a’ coinneachadh ri daoine às an sgìre a tha ag innse beagan dhi mun eachdraidh inntinneach, bheairteach a th’ air an stairsnich aice fhèin.

Anns an ceathramh phrògram san t-sreath, tha Kate a’ dol a shnàmh ann am muir domhainn, rud a tha a’ cur eagal oirre, tha i a’ tadhal air baile anns nach eil duine a’ fuireach an-diugh le eachdraidh a tha a’ dol air ais na mìltean de bhliadhnaichean, agus tha i a’ faighinn lorg air ulaidh aig bonn an locha agus sin uile mus fheuch i oirre earball ùr nam maighdinn-mara airson a’ chiad uair.

Cothrom air leth boillsgeadh fhaighinn air saoghal eile, làn fiadh-bheatha de gach seòrsa agus seallaidhean eireachdail timcheall costa taobh siar Eilean Leòdhais, tro shùilean bhoireannaich òig aig a bheil ùidh mhòr san àrainneachd nàdarra agus a tha air leth pròiseil à dualchas na mara sa cheàrnaidh shònraichte aice fhèin.

Mermaid Tales follows young islander Kate Macleod as she indulges in her lifelong passion for the sea around her beloved homeland of Uig on the Isle of Lewis. As well as seeing many of her water-based adventures, she meets some knowledgeable locals who tell her about the fascinating and rich history that is on her very own doorstep.

Kate conquers her fear and goes deep sea swimming, visits a deserted village with a history going back thousands of years and she makes an amazing discovery at the bottom of a loch - before trying out her new mermaid tail for the first time.

A glimpse of another world, full of wildlife and impressive scenery on the west coast of the stunning Isle of Lewis, from the perspective of a young woman who has a strong interest in the natural environment and who is extremely proud of her maritime heritage.

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