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Episode 8

Duration: 14 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for years

Sùil air ais air ALT còmhla ri Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacFhionghain agus Kim Carnie. Am measg na bhios ann am prògram na h-oidhche nochd, cothrom eile air ‘Charade’ bho The Skids agus iad air an àrd-ùrlar ann an GMU. A bharrachd air a sin, bidh ceòl ann bho Kyle Molleson air a bheil sinn a cheart cho eòlach mar Makeness. Bidh Clare Grogan bho Altered Images ag innse mun bhuaidh a thug soirbheachas air làithean tràth a’ chòmhlain agus a’ comharrachadh a’ bhuaidh a thug Siouxse and the Banshees air a cùrsa-beatha fhèin.

Highlights from the music show ALT. Tonight’s episode includes a live performance from Dunfermline legends The Skids - 'Charade’ showcases their gig at Glasgow’s QMU. Kyle Molleson, aka Makeness, gives an exuberant and eclectic performance while Clare Grogan from Altered Images chats to us about how success changed their early days. She highlights Siouxse and the Banshees as an influence on her career. With Dòmhnall Eoghainn Mackinnon and Kim Carnie.

In Gaelic with English subtitles Show less


Interviewed Guest:
Clare Grogan



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