Join six-month-old Erin and Leo as they discover the world around them and start trying new foods for the first time. At home, we meet Erin and her family as everyone is playing and pretending to make phone calls on bananas.
Meanwhile, Leo is playing on the swings at the local park, but soon it's time for his daily feed, while his sister stops to enjoy a delicious gingerbread man. After a short picnic, the family feeds the ducks and geese before Leo tries a rice cake for the very first time. At the petting farm, Erin and her family get the chance to feed some goats and hold a baby chick. The family have a picnic with juicy oranges and scrumptious sandwiches, while Erin has a bottle of milk.
Leo’s family head home, where mum and Charlotte make a tasting platter for Leo, filled with fresh foods and a yummy yoghurt! At the dinner table, Erin’s mum dishes up a tasty meal - but will she like it? Show less