Taisbeanadh ciùil bho Celtic Connections 2021. Karen Nic Mhathain, Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain agus Darren MacIlleathain còmhla ri Co-cheòltairean na h-Alba aig Taigh-tasgaidh & Gaileiridh Ealain Kelvingrove. Cothrom air na sàr-sheinneadairean seo fhaicinn air àrd-ùrlar sònraichte le taic bho cuid den luchd-ciùil as fheàrr san dùthaich.
Part of Celtic Connections 2021. Karen Matheson, Mischa MacPherson and Darren MacLean and the Scottish Ensemble perform at Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery. A chance to see the acclaimed singers in a magnificent setting, accompanied by some of the best musicians in the country.
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