Some of the country’s best home bakers welcome Gregor MacLeod into the kitchen to show him their favourite recipes. As a professional cook and baker he knows that you can’t put a price on a tried and tested recipes and also shares some of his own.
Delving into his granny’s old cook book, Gregor reinvents her recipe for traditional shortbread. But he puts a modern twist on it by adding dried apple, a hint of spice and toffee pieces. Hopefully granny would approve!
He makes a pudding that showcases the magic and science of baking. His chocolate mousse cake uses the same mixture to make a rich chocolate cake base and a light chocolate mousse topping.
Out and about meeting skilled home cooks and bakers, Gregor is treated to a passion fruit surprise pudding and he tastes a recipe using haggis, neeps and tatties but as you’ve never seen them before - in a soup.
Bho dhachaigh ann an Calanais seallaidh Griogar MacLeòid dhuinn iomadh greim blasta, eadar fuine na dùthcha san t-seann nòs, gu nithean ùr is inntinneach. Innsidh eileanaich eile dha na cuilbheartan a th’ acasan son na cèicean, na bonnaich sna briosgaidean is fheàrr.
Tha seann leabhar aig Griogar sam biodh a sheanmhair a’ sgrìobhadh dòighean-fuine a bha i a’ cleachdadh – nam measg, aran-goirid. Ach tha esan a’ cur a dhreach fhèin air, le ubhal thioram, spìosradh agus sgealban tofaidh na luib. Chan eil rian nach còrdadh e rithe! Nì e mìlsean a tha letheach eadar draoidheachd agus saidheans...aona mheasgadh sa bhobhla, ach aig a cheann thall tha cèic gu h-ìosal is mousse gu h-àrd.
Mìlsean eile nuair a tha e muigh a’ tachairt air caraidean, ach passionfruit an turus sa; agus - cò smaoinich air tagais a chur ann am brot, cuide ri buntàta is tuineap?
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