Abair Trusadh
Episode 3
29 minutes
Thairis air na bliadhnaichean tha an t-sreath de phrògraman aithriseach Trusadh air sealltainn ri iomadach cuspair a tha a’ bualadh air beatha nan Gàidheal agus luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig air feadh an t-saoghail. Bho chuspairean ceangailte ri eachdraidh, dualchas, cànan, an àrainneachd agus cultar, tha Trusadh air a rannsachadh. Mar sin, tha sinn a’ toirt sùil air ais air criomagan bho chuid de na prògraman as fheàrr bhon tasglann thairis air dusan bliadhna.
Anns an treas prògram seo de cheithir phàirtean, tha sinn a’ toirt sùil air ais air na cothroman a bh’ ann do dhaoine le autism, air tiodhlac sònraichte a chaidh fhighe dhan Phàp, agus thug sinn sgrìob do na h-eileanan iomallach ann an cuideachd nan cìobairean mara. Cuideachd, chì sinn an oidhirp air leth a chaidh a dhèanamh gus cuimhneachadh air an Iolaire agus mu dheireadh, fhuair sinn a-mach mun bhuaidh a bh’ aig dòigh-beatha nan eileanach air na teaghlaichean a thàinig a dh’ Eilean Leòdhais à Pagastan.
Criomagan air an toirt còmhla bho chruinneachadh iongantach de sgeulachdan làidir agus eadar-dhealaichte bho air feadh Alba agus an t-saoghail, air innse tro shùilean measgachadh de luchd-agallaimh air leth.
Throughout the years, the factual documentary strand Trusadh has looked at many subjects that affect the lives of Gaels and Gaelic speakers all over the world. From themes relating to history, heritage, language, the environment and culture, Trusadh has covered it. For that reason, we are taking a look back at highlights from some of the best documentaries in the archive spanning the past 12 years.
In this episode, a look back at the opportunities that were available to people with autism, a special gift which was knitted especially for the Pope and a journey taken to some remote islands in the company of sea shepherds. We also recall how the Iolaire was remembered and commemorated, and finally we learn about how the island way of life had a strong impact on the families that arrived to the Isle of Lewis from Pakistan.
A nostalgic look back at a wonderfully diverse collection of strong factual stories from all over Scotland and the world, told through the eyes of engaging contributors from all walks of life.
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