Jack meets an unwanted old friend, Melvin gets hot under the collar, Delphine makes a French joke and Shirley and Millie get an unexpected buzz...
Millie’s son Melvin has given her a new tablet with a voice recorder?
And suddenly Jack & Millie have decided to record everything that happens to them?
And for this, we should be grateful?
Well YES! - because this is a comedy show written by Jeremy Front, who stars with Rebecca Front - as an older couple fully engaged with contemporary life whilst being at war with the absurdities of the modern world...
Jack ...... Jeremy Front
Millie ...... Rebecca Front
Shirley ...... Tracy-Ann Oberman
Harry ...... Nigel Lindsay
Melvin ...... Harry Peacock
Delphine ...... Jenny Bede
Nita Green (née Blom) ...... Debbie Chazen
Producer: David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in September 2020. Show less