Series 1
Glasgow Warriors Pro12 Triumph
59 minutes
Spòrs - Tha Ùisdean MacIllFhinnein agus Derek MacAoidh a’ toirt sùil air seusan rugbaidh Pro12 2014/15 nuair a sgrìobh Glasgow Warriors an ainm sna leabharaichean eachdraidh, ’s iad a’ chiad chlub Albannach ’s proifeiseanta a bhuinnig an Lìg Cheilteach a-riamh. Chì sinn cuid dhe ceumanannan an iomairt as fheàrr bhon bliadhna ud agus dè bha aig Glaschu a dhèanamh gus an co-fharpais a bhuannachadh.
Hugh Dan MacLennan and Derek Mackay look back at the 2014/15 Pro12 rugby season, a season that saw Glasgow Warriors make history by becoming the first Scottish professional club to win the Celtic League. This programme revisits some of the best moments of the campaign and reflects on what it took for Glasgow to reach the top. Show less