Series 1
Livingston FC
29 minutes
Spòrs - Tro leansa agallamhan BBC ALBA a chaidh a chraoladh aig leth-ùine, tha Derek MacAoidh agus Calum MacAmhlaidh a’ toirt dhuinn sealadh air cùil dorsan Livingston FC agus an strì sgoinneil suas na lìgean anns na bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh. Cuinnidh sinn bhon sàr-sgioba a bhuinnig Livi àite sa Phrìomh Lìg na h-Alba ’son a’ chiad turas o chionn 2005/06. Chì sinn cridhe na prìomh sgeulachdan air a’ phàirc agus timcheall air a’ chlub.
Through the lens of BBC Alba's behind the scenes half-time extended features, Derek Mackay and Calum Macaulay provide an insight into Livingston FC and their incredible rise through the divisions in recent years. Hear from that special group of players that brought Livi back to Scotland's top flight for the first time since 2005/06. We get to the heart of the key stories on and off the pitch. Show less