Series 1
Motherwell FC
29 minutes
Tro leansa agallamhan BBC Alba a chaidh a chraoladh aig leth-ùine, tha Ailig O’Henley agus Calum MacAmhlaidh a’ toirt dhuinn sealladh air cùil dorsan Tobar na Màthar: club choimhearsnachd a tha moiteil às an cothroman a tha ri fhaighinn dhan oigridh thàlantach sa Phrìomh Lìg na h-Alba. Bho na cluicheadairean a tha air soirbheas fhaighinn mar-tha dhan na cluicheadairean a tha faisg air an dòchasan a bhuinnig, chì sinn cridhe na prìomh sgeulachdan air a’ phàirc agus timcheall air a’ chlub.
Through the lens of BBC Alba's behind the scenes half-time extended features, Alex O'Henley and Calum Macaulay provide an insight into Motherwell FC: a community club that prides itself on giving talented youngsters opportunities in Scotland's top flight. From those that have made the breakthrough and those close to achieving their dream, we get to the heart of the key stories on and off the pitch. Show less