Series 1
Heart of Midlothian FC
29 minutes
Spòrs - Tro an lionsa BBC Alba le dè tha tachairt air cùlaibh na sgeulachdan leth-ùine, tha Derek MacAoidh agus Ailig O'Henley a' toirt sùil air ais air Heart of Midlothian FC bho t-seusanan a chaidh seachad is bruidhinn mu dheidhinn dè bha tachairt aig a chlub an àm sin. Bho na dubhlan le manaidsearan ùr a' tighinn a-steach gu leasachadh sgioba boireannach làn-ùine, air agus far a' phàirce bith sinn faighinn gu cridh na prìomh sgeulachdan.
Through the lens of BBC Alba's behind the scenes half-time extended features, Derek Mackay and Alex O'Henley provide an insight into Heart of Midlothian FC over the last few seasons. From the challenges of new management to the development of a full-time women's team, we get to the heart of the key stories on and off the pitch. Show less