11 November 1918. The Great War is finally over. A new era is about to start. Amidst the grief, disappointment and old fears, new dreams and hopes are now emerging but so too are new hatreds.
“Clash of Futures” explores the dramatic era of the 1920s and ‘30s following the fates of extraordinary men and women using their own diary entries, letters and memoirs. These are people drawn into the war by their convictions, who with their loves and decisions bring the history of Europe with all its contradictions to life.
November 1939, Nazis destroy Jewish businesses, set synagogues alight and kill hundreds of people during the ‘Night of Broken Glass’. In March 1939, German troops occupy Czechoslovakia. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announces the end of the policy of appeasement. The German invasion of Poland commences on September 1, 1939. World War II begins.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
11 Samhain, 1918. Tha An Cogadh Mòr seachad mu dheireadh thall. Toiseach linn ùr. Am measg caoidh, briseadh-dùil agus seann eagail, tha bruadair is dòchas a' nochdadh às ùr, ach tha agus fuathan ùra cuideachd.
Tha "Eadar Na Dhà" a' toirt sùil air na ficheadan 's na tritheadan, a' leantainn sgeulachdan fir is mnathan tro na leabhraichean-latha, litrichean is aithrisean aca fhèin. Tharraing na beachdan aca an fheadhainn seo dhan chogadh agus tha sgeulachd nan co-dhùnaidhean is nan gràdhan aca a' toirt sealladh air eachdraidh thoinnte na h-Eòrpa.
Samhain 1939, tha Nàsaich a' sgrios gnìomhachasan Iùdhach, a' losgadh shionagogan agus a' murt nan ceudan ann an iomairt ‘ Oidhche na Glainne Briste’. Sa Mhàrt, 1939, tha feachdan na Gearmailt a' foir-ghlacadh an t-Seic-Slòbhac. Chuir Prìomh Mhinistear Bhreatainn, Neville Chamberlain stad air a' phoileasaidh ciùineachaidh. Air a' chiad latha dhen t-Sultain, 1939, tha an Dàrna Cogadh a' tòiseachadh.
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