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An Lot/The Croft

Series 4

Episode 3

Duration: 29 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 8 months

Tha Sweeny a’ dèanamh air Sealtainn airson a’ chiad uair a-riamh agus e a’ faighinn an tuilleadh a-mach mu bheatha croitearachd anns na h-Eileanan mu Thuath. ’S e prìomh amas a thuras sùil a thoirt air seòrsa de thogalach ùr a dh’fhaodas diofar mòr a dhèanamh dha chuid phlanaichean ann an Leòdhas. Tha e air a bhith duilich dha Sweeny a chuid chaoraich agus uain a dhìon bho leithid starragan agus fithich. Dh’fhaodadh an togalach seo a bhith na àite sàbhailte dhaibh, agus fasgadh a thoirt dhaibh bho aimsir gharbh an taobh siar cuideachd. Air a dhealbh le companaidh ann an Sealtainn, agus coibhneil dhan àrainneachd, tha an togalach coltach ri polytunnel ach gu math nas làidire, agus comasach seasamh ri gaoth de 120msu!

Fhad ’s a tha e an sin tha e a’ gabhail an cothrom coinneachadh ri Eric Greumach, tuathanach a tha fìor eòlach air caoraich Shealtainneach - seòrsa caora a tha ùr do Sweeny, agus a tha air a bhith ag adhbharachadh trioblaid dha. Tha e cuideachd a’ faighinn tuilleadh a-mach mu shoirbheachas clòimh Shealtainn, agus na dh’fhaodadh e fhèin ionnsachadh mu dhòighean air stuthan clòimhe a leasachadh.

Sweeny heads to Shetland for the first time to find out more about crofting life in the Northern Isles. The main purpose of his trip is to check out a new type of building that could make a big difference to his future plans in Lewis. With the crows and ravens a threat to his sheep and lambs, this could provide a safe place to be, as well as protection from the weather. Designed by a Shetland company, it has a strong green ethos at its core, and is similar to a polytunnel but much stronger, and able to withstand 120mph winds!

While there, he takes the opportunity to meet up with Eric Graham, a farmer with many years experience of Shetland sheep - a breed that Sweeny has just started working with, and that have caused him some problems. He also finds out a bit more about the success of the wool industry in Shetland, to see how he can continue to make the most of his own wool.

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