Anne Lundon embarks on a road-trip like no other. The vast expanse of the Irish coastline is now one of the world’s biggest visitor attractions. Ireland is known for it’s rich natural heritage - music, language, food and landscape. Anne’s journey, from South to North, is the perfect blend of all those elements.
Tha Anne Lundon air turas-roithid shonraichte. Tha Slighe a chosta an iar na h-Eirinn an diugh a taladh barrachd dhaoine na aite ‘sam bi eile ‘san t-saoghal. Tha Eireann ainaichte airson beartas dualachais – ceol, canan, biadh agus cruth talamhainn. Tha slighe Anne, bho Deas gu Tuath na mheasgachadh dhaibh uile comhladh.
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