Sgoil nan Sagart/Priest School
Series 1
Episode 2
30 minutes
A series following Ronald Campbell from Benbecula who is studying for the priesthood in the historic city of Rome. At the end of the year, Ronald will leave Rome, return to the Western Isles and become a priest. But he still has a long and arduous journey ahead of him before that.
Sreath de thrì prògraman a’ leantainn Raghnall Caimbeul à Beinn nam Faoghla a tha anns a’ bhliadhna mu dheireadh dhe chuid oideachaidh airson na sagartachd ann am baile eachdraidheil na Ròimhe. Aig deireadh na bliadhna-sa cuiridh Raghnall a chùl ris a’ Ròimh, thèid e dhachaigh dha na h-Eileanan agus thig e mach mar shagart. Ach tha rathad fada buan roimhe fhathast.
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