Tha Opry Le Daniel a’ tighinn gu BBC ALBA, luma-làn tàlant aig cridhe ceòl dùthchasach. Le Daniel O’Donnell a’ lìbhrigeadh agus Anna Nic na Ceàrdaich ag aithris. Anns a phrògram mu dheireadh dhen t-sreath, tha sàr-rionnag bho saoghal a chiùil air aoigheachd aig Daniel agus Charley Pride air an àrd-ùrlar a’ sèinn cuid de na h-òrain a shoirbhich dha bho thòisich Charley a clàradh anns na trì-ficheadan. Air a chlàradh ann an Foràm nam Mìle Bliadhna ann an Doire agus ann an cuideachd luchd-èisdeachd, tha Opry Le Daniel a' toirt a-steach an luchd-ciùil dùthchasach as cliùitiche bho air feadh Èirinn agus na S.A..
Opry Le Daniel on BBC Alba, with a wealth of musicians who are at the heart of country music. The king of country music, Daniel O’Donnell, presents, and Anne Sinclair narrates as they give a warm welcome to the stars of country music.
Daniel is joined by a bona fide musical guest star as Charley Pride takes the stage with a selection of songs that have made him successful since his recording career began in the sixties. Opry Le Daniel introduces the cream of country music artists from the length and breadth of Ireland and the US, recorded in front of a live audience at the Millennium Forum, Derry.
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