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Series 27

Episode 4

Duration: 28 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Andreas Wolff in Croatia and Annabel MacLennan in Italy.

Tha Andreas Wolff ann an Croatia, an dùthaich is ùire a fhuair ballrachd san Aonadh Eòrpach. Aig àm nuair a dh’fhaodadh An Rìoghachd Aonaichte a bhith an ìmpis an t-Aonadh fhàgail, de a’ bhuaidh a tha air bhith aig an EU air Croatia? Agus tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein anns an Eadailt a'coimhead air mar a tha mòran bhailtean air an dùthaich a' call sluaigh, agus na h-oidhirpean thathas a' dèanamh gus seo a leasachadh.

Andreas Wolff is in Croatia, the country which is the European Union's most recent member. With the UK set to leave the EU in January, what impact has membership had on Croatia? And Annabel MacLennan is in Italy looking at the problem of rural depopulation and the attempts to stem the decline of some of its most vulnerable communities. Show less

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This data is drawn from the data stream that informs BBC's iPlayer and Sounds. The information shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was/is subject to change and may not be accurate. More