Taking a comic swipe at the Gaelic world and beyond, the award-winning Gaelic sketch show FUNC returns. Featuring a whole raft of old and new characters, FUNC 2 is funnier and faster than ever before.
Trump returns, on holiday in the homeland. Flo and Marge return in their search for drink, and there are Vikings who hate their Pictish naked neighbours, children’s TV presenters who don’t get on, and the latest technology comes to the Mod. There’s a Hogmanay special with some very special guest stars and a mixture of the surreal, satirical and downright silly.
FUNC is a fast-paced, irreverent and cheeky take on the modern Gaelic world. Filmed in Glasgow and on the Isle of Lewis, and directed by Michael Hines, FUNC is a The Woven Thread production for MG Alba.
Tha FUNC air ais le sreath ùr de sgeidsichean comadaidh èibhinn eile loma làn charactaran ùra agus feadhainn aithnichte.
Tha Trump a’ tilleadh gu eilean a shinnsirean, tha Flo is Marge fhathast air tòir druthag làidir agus coinnichidh sinn ri teaghlach Lochlannach le nàbaidhean lormachd air a bheil gràin aca. Bidh sinn aig a’ Mhòd far a bheil teicneòlas adhartach air nochdadh agus chan eil cùisean ro dhòigheil le preasantairean nam prògraman chloinne. Tha program sònraichte ri thighinn air Oidhche Challainn le aoighean aithnichte is rudan air leth neònach a’ tachairt.
Tha FUNC luath, mì-mhodhail agus magach. Chaidh a chlàradh ann an Glaschu agus air Eilean Leòdhais le stiùireadh bho Michael Hines agus riochdaichte leis The Woven Thread dha BBC ALBA.
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