Anne begins a playful but dangerous courtship of shy local heiress Miss Walker, who quickly finds herself captivated by the attention of her charismatic and unusual neighbour. Anne’s plan to renovate Shibden Hall is also stepping up a gear, and her determination to sink her own coal mines brings her into the path of local magistrate Christopher Rawson and his brother Jeremiah. Hearing rumours that the Rawson brothers have been stealing her coal, Anne looks for a way to use their dirty tactics against them. While Christopher remains defiant, Anne makes Jeremiah nervous.
Miss Walker prepares for a trip to the Lake District. When she tells her cousin about her friendship with Anne, she is surprised by Catherine’s reaction and begins to realise that Anne is not popular with everyone in the Halifax community. Back at Shibden, Anne’s servant John Booth offers a solution to Eugenie’s problem. Meanwhile, Anne, who has been grappling with her own dilemma, wonders if confronting the past could be the key to finding future happiness. Show less