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Series 11

Ar Teaghlach/Our Family

Duration: 59 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA HD

Available for years

Tha iomadh seòrsa suidheachadh teaghlaich rim faighinn san là an-diugh – ach uile fhathast le clann aig an cridhe. A bharrachd air teaghlach traidiseanta le athair agus màthair, tha diofar chruthan teaghlaich eile ann cuideachd.

Tha sinn a’ meòrachadh air na tha teaghlach a’ ciallachadh san là an-diugh, agus a’ coimhead air mar a tha e air atharrachadh sna 40 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh. Ged is e saoghal a th’ann a tha a’ sìor atharrachadh, tha 75% de theaghlaichean nan teaghlaichean ‘traidiseanta’ – le an athair agus màthair pòsta, agus a’ togail an cuid cloinne còmhla.

A-nise ge-tà tha cuideachd teaghlaichean ann le aon phàrant, teaghlaichean le pàrantan a tha aon-ghnèitheach, agus cuid eile aig nach eil ceangal-fala ri na teaghlaichean aca idir. The iomadach buidheann taic ann cuideachd, leithid ‘Dads Rock’, agus tha an dòigh anns a bheil clann air an togail cuideachd air atharrachadh, le diofar sheòrsaichean feallsanachdan air nochdadh. ‘S e aon dhiùbh sin, ‘attachment parenting’ a tha air fàs nas cumanta thar nan deich bliadhna a chaidh seachad.

Today’s modern families take many different forms – all though with children at their core. As well as traditional families with a mum and dad, family can be defined in many other ways. We explore what family means in today’s society, and look at how it has changed in the last 40 years. While it is an evolving world, 75 per cent of families are seen as a traditional family - with the father and mother married, and their children being brought up within that unit.

However, there are also now single parent families, same sex parent families, as well as families where there is no direct blood tie, with the children having been adopted. There are also numerous support groups like ‘Dads Rock’, and the way that children are being brought up has also changed, with various different philosophies now being put in to practice. One example is ‘attachment parenting’ which has seen a rise in the last ten years. Show less


Executive Producer:
Seumas Mactaggart
Executive Producer:
Margaret Mary Murray

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