Tha Opry Le Daniel a’ tighinn gu BBC ALBA, luma-làn tàlant aig cridhe ceòl dùthchasach. Anns an t-sreath seo bidh àrd-rìgh ceòl dùthchasach na h-Èireann, Daniel O’ Donnell, a’ libhrigeadh agus Anna Nic na Ceàrdaich ag aithiris. Sa phrògram seo, bidh sinn a’ comharrachadh beatha Johnny Cash agus na choilean e ann an saoghal ceòl dùthchasach, le prìomh luchd-ciùil air an àrd-ùrlar: Sandy agus Willie Kelly, Declan Nerney agus Jordan Mogey, à Fòram nam Mìle Bliadhna ann an Doire.
Opry Le Daniel, with Daniel O’Donnell presenting and Anne Sinclair narrating.
In this episode, we celebrate the life and achievements of Johnny Cash and his contribution to country music. Several renowned musicians join Daniel on stage: Sandy and Willie Kelly, Declan Nerney and Jordan Mogey. Recorded in front of a live audience, mixing archive, testimonials from country music fans and chat, the stars perform country favourites, as each week Daniel introduces the cream of country music artists from the length and breadth of Ireland, from the Millennium Forum, Derry. Show less