Dealbhan Fraoich/Heather's Portraits
Series 3
Episode 4
29 minutes
Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir a Ìle air ais air an sgrion le sreath ùr de “Dhealbhan Fraoich”. An dà chuid na tè-ealain agus na ceasnaiche, tha i a’dèanamh dealbhan dathte de Ghàidheil air a bheil sinn eòlach – agus a’tàladh asta iomadh sgeul mu eachdraidh am beatha. Anns a’phrògram seo tha Fraoch a’dèanamh dealbh dhen sgeulaiche Essie Stiùbhart. Tha Essie an-diugh a’fuireach ann an Drochaid a’Bhanna, ach bha mòran dhe beatha air rothaidean na h-Alba: bhuineadh i dhan teaghlach Stiùbhart a bha measg an dòrlach mu dheireadh a lean caitheamh-beatha traidiseanta an luchd-siubhail.
Islay-born Heather Dewar returns to our screens with another series of “Dealbhan Fraoich”. Combining the role of artist and interviewer, she creates colour portraits of well-known Gaels while teasing out of them every little detail of their life story!
This episode sees Heather draw storyteller Essie Stewart. Essie lives in the village of Bonar Bridge but has spent much of her life as a traveller. Her family, the Stewarts, were one of the last to live in the traditional traveller way. Show less