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An Sgrùdaire

Series 2

Episode 2

Duration: 15 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha Ruairidh Alastair a’ faighneachd a bheil an t-àm ann atharrachadh bho bhith a’ toirmeasg reic deoch làidir aig geamannan ball-coise ann an Alba. Dè a th’ aig an luchd-leantainn, na poileis agus aig luchd-poilitigs ri ràdh air a’ chuspair seo?
Ruairidh Alastair asks if it is time for change at Scottish football matches, were the sale of alcohol is banned. What do the fans, the police and the politicians have to say about this topic?

Tha Ruairidh Alastair air ais le tuilleadh cheistean mu chùisean a tha a’ toirt buaidh air beatha dhaoine òga, agus tha e a’ sireadh fhreagairtean le bhith a’ còmhradh ri eòlaichean, ag èisteachd ri buill ar pannail agus a’ rannsachadh tron fhòn-làimhe aige is a thoinisg fhèin.
Anns a’ phàirt seo tha e a’ faighneachd a bheil an t-àm ann atharrachadh a thighinn aig geamannan ball-coise ann an Alba far a bheilear a’ cur bacadh air reic deoch làidir. Dè a th’ aig an luchd-leantainn, na poileis agus luchd-poilitigs ri ràdh mun chuspair seo?
Dè a tha a’ dèanamh cultar ball-coise ann an Alba eadar-dhealaichte?An dèidh a h-uile càil, faodaidh an fheadhainn a th’ aig gèam rugbaidh ann an Alba pinnt a cheannach – carson nach fhaod luchd-leantainn ball-coise?

Ruairidh Alastair is back with more questions about issues that affect the lives of young people, and he is seeking answers by talking with experts, listening to our panellists and researching using his mobile phone and his wits.
In this episode he asks if it is time for change at Scottish football matches, were the sale of alcohol is banned. What do the fans, the police and the politicians have to say about this topic?
What is it about football culture in Scotland that makes the difference, after all, those attending a rugby match in Scotland can buy a pint – why can’t the punters at a football game?
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