Donnie Dòtaman MacLeòid le sreath loma làn phròiseactan ùra DiY. ‘Sa phrogram seo, tha e an dùil cidsin a thogail san t-seòmar-culaidh, sa vestry, aig Eaglais Chille Mhoire faisg air an Oban ach feumaidh e pìoban uisge fhaighinn dhan togalach an tòiseach. Agus feumaidh iad sin tighinn fon bhalla agus le cùisean mar seo feumaidh tu gabhail air do shocair agus sgrùdahd obrach a dhèanamh. Ach tha trioblaidean roimhe nuair a chì e pios spar air grodadh bhon ùrlar. Feumaidh e pìos làr ùr a chur air doigh agus cuideachd plumaireachd agus obair dealain.
Cuideachd anns a’ phrògram, bidh Donnie ag obair a’ cur àite air doigh airson na bionaichean-sgudail a chumail còmhla agus sgiobalta anns a’ gharradh aige fhèin.
Donnie Dotaman Macleod travels to Kilmore Church of Scotland south of Oban where he meets the minister and agrees to build a new kitchen in the vestry to benefit the congregation for social events and gatherings. His first job is to evaluate the work that needs to be done and help get water into the building. His investigations reveal some joists under the floor have decayed and need replacing. He also needs to renew the plumbing and electrical works in the vestry. But will the parishioners be satisfied with his attempts at this major DIY overhaul?
Back in his own garden, Donnie continues building a new bin shelter that is more pleasing on the eye.
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