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Mach à Seo!

Series 2

Episode 7

Duration: 29 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Working and living in the city you need something to keep you going through the week. Ramsay MacMahon is a firm believer that escaping for an action-packed weekend is the only solution.
In his guide to the ultimate weekend away Ramsay travels to Oban. This trip is about luxury and he blows his budget on staying the night in a castle – albeit a haunted one with secret corridors. He also feasts on seafood fit for a king at Oban’s green seafood shack right beside the ferry terminal.
To get his adrenaline hit Ramsay tries coasteering in stormy seas off the island of Seil. Jumping into the sea comes easily to Ramsay but pulling himself out of the water and scrambling on rocky cliffs proves a challenge. And what better way to connect with a town famed for seafaring than to take to the water for a sailing lesson in Oban bay? Ramsay learns to tack in a sailboat but only narrowly escapes capsizing the boat.

Ag obair ‘sa fuireach ann am baile mòr, feumar rud math air faire son do chumail a’ dol tron t-seachdain. Tha Ramsay MacMahon làn chinnteach gun e teiche son là no dha cur thairis le curseachad a tha dhìth.
Abair gu bheil fhios aigesan dè na cuairtean deireadh-sheachdain is fheàrr: an-diugh tha e san Oban, agus gu dearbh chan e caomhnadh a tha fa-near dha! Tha e a’ cosg a h-uile sgillinn air oidhche ann an caisteal – caisteal le taibhs agus cùlaistean dìomhair.
Son clisgeadh ceart a thoirt dha chridhe tha Ramsay a’ feuchainn spòrs ris an can iad coasteering air cladach Eilean Saoil: chan eil maill ann dha leum dha na stuaghan garbha – se faighinn àsda is streap suas gu talamh tioram an trioblaid.
Agus dè a b’fheàrr ann am baile an cois na mara ach leasan seòlaidh ann am bàgh an Òbain? Tha e ag ionnsachadh bòrdadh ann an geòla siùil – agus thàrr e as beò ged a theab e car a chur dhith.
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