Anns a’ phrògram seo tha Alexia agus Scarlett còmhla rithe ‘s iad ag ullachadh sgonaichean le càise agus coirce. Ach mus tòisich iad, feumaidh iad a bhith cinnteach gu bheil an stuth a tha a dhìth orra a-staigh. Mur a bheil, bidh iad a’ dèanamh liosta agus a’ dol dhan bhùth airson a h-uile càil fhaighinn.
Bidh Linda agus a caraidean cuideachd a’ faighinn a-mach cò às a tha coirce a’ tighinn. Tha iad an uairsin a’ tilleadh dhan chidsin airson na sgonaichean a dheasachadh mus suidh iad sìos aig a’ bhòrd gan ithe.
Linda is joined by Alexia and Scarlett to make delicious cheese and oat scones. Before they start cooking, they have to ensure they have all the ingredients. If not, they make a list and go shopping.
They also learn more about where oats come from, and then they return to the kitchen to make the scones before sitting down at the table to eat them. Show less