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Lon le Linda

Series 1

Soda Bread

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Available for 7 months

Tha Linda NicLeòid a’ còcaireachd cuide ri a caraidean. An-diugh tha Maya agus Anthony cuide ri Linda agus iad a’ fuine aran sòda. Ach mus tòisich iad, feumaidh iad dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na tha a dhìth orra a-staigh. Mur a bheil, bidh iad a’ dèanamh liosta agus a’ dol dhan bhùth airson a h-uile càil fhaighinn.

Bidh Linda agus a caraidean cuideachd a’ faighinn a-mach cò às a tha min-fhlùir a’ tighinn. Tha iad an uairsin a’ tilleadh dhan chidsin airson aran sòda a dhèanamh mus suidh iad sìos aig a’ bhòrd ga ithe!

Linda Macleod and friends cook a number of tasty dishes. In this episode, Linda is joined by Maya and Anthony to make soda bread. Before they start, they must make sure they have all the ingredients and, if not, they prepare a list and go shopping. They also find out more about where flour comes from, before returning to the kitchen to bake the bread and sitting down at the table to tuck in. Show less

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This data is drawn from the data stream that informs BBC's iPlayer and Sounds. The information shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was/is subject to change and may not be accurate. More