During his long illustrious career, actor Bernard Cribbins has recorded many classic novels. To mark his 90th birthday, he performs selected extracts from three of his favourite stories. From The Wind in the Willows, he has chosen the first magical encounter between The Mole and the Rat; from Winnie-the-Pooh, the exciting Expotition to the North Pole which simply proves too much for one of the participants, Alexander Beetle; and finally from Alice Through the Looking Glass the strange meeting between Alice and an old, white-haired Knight who tries to hold her attention with a particularly poignant poem. To link each of the pieces, Bernard can be heard in conversation with drama director, Martin Jenkins, with whom he has worked for over 45 years on a wide range of dramas and readings. A wonderful opportunity to hear a master storyteller bringing a wonderful range of much-loved characters to life. Show less