Opry Dhoire
Series 1
Episode 4
58 minutes
Anns a’ cheathramh prògram, bidh Una Healy bho ‘The Saturdays’ a thug clàr a-mach o chionn ghoirid ann an dreach ceòl dùthchasach agus bidh Moya Brennan air aoigheachd aca mar aoigh shònraichte na seachdain.
Air a chlàradh ann an Foràm nam Mìle Bliadhna ann an Doire agus ann an cuideachd luchd-èisdeachd, tha Opry a' toirt a-steach an luchd-ciùil dùthchasach as cliùitiche bho air feadh Èirinn.
Opry Dhoire features a wealth of musicians who are at the heart of country music. Daniel O'Donnell presents and Anne Sinclair narrates as they give a warm welcome to the stars of country music.
This episode features the talented Una Healy from The Saturdays, who recently released a country music album, and Moya Brennan as our special guest. Recorded in front of a live audience, Opry introduces the cream of country music artists from the length and breadth of Ireland, from the Millennium Forum, Derry. Show less