Sa phrògram seo tha Griogar sa charaidean a’ sealltainn dhuinn na seòrsaichean arain is fheàrr leotha. Tha a chuilbheartan fhèin aige airson croissants traidiseanta Frangach le taois shèideach làn ime – ach ‘s iomadh pìos arain bhrèagha air am blais e ann an taighean dhaoin’ eile. Eadar lof le uinnean is càise, brisg air an taobh a-muigh, gu bonnaich spìosrach na Càisge – agus carson a chumadh duine sa bith rud cho math gu àm na Càisge a’mhàin?
Gregor and his trusted bakers and cooks show us their best bread recipes. He shows us the trick to the classic French croissant with its layers of flaky puff pastry and fills his with a generous helping of chocolate. Gregor is also out and about sampling many tasty loaves - from a cheese and onion tear ‘n’ share bread with a crispy cheesy crust, to moist, fruity hot cross buns. If something is that good then why should it just be kept for Easter? Show less