Sa phrògram seo tha Griogar sa charaidean a’ sealltainn dhuinn dè nì iad dhaibhsan a dh’fheumas a bhi faiceallach dè dh’itheas iad. Nì Griogar fhèin cèic bhlasta teòclaid gun aon ugh no pioc ime ann.
Tha cothrom aige ceic orainds polenta fheuchainn, sa bheil almoin air am bleith a’ gabhail àite min-flùir. Na chidsin fhèin tha e a’ dèanamh pàidh sgoinneil dhaibhsan nach blais air feòil, le glasraich air am bruich le spìosradh agus luibhean.
Gregor and his trusted bakers and cooks show us their favourite recipes for catering to those with dietary requirements. Gregor tastes an egg-and-dairy-free chocolate cake which doesn’t compromise on flavour and is still the ultimate chocolatey treat.
He gets a slice of a gluten-free orange polenta cake which uses almonds instead of flour. And back in his own kitchen Gregor makes a tasty vegan pie layered with colourful vegetables cooked in spices and herbs. Show less