Sa phrògram seo tha Griogar sa charaidean ag innse dhuinn dè’n taobh a tha an smuaintean a’ gluasad nuair a tha a’ ghaol sa cheist – air latha Naoimh Valentine, no ceann-latha pòsaidh. Sna Lochan tha briosgaidean air chumadh cridhe roimhe, agus ann an Tunga, tort teòclaid is caramail a bhlàithcheadh a’ chridhe bu chruaidhe. Agus nuair a nì Griogar fhèin trufail teòclaid, tha e gan teasachadh le chili – abair comharran gaoil!
Gregor and his trusted bakers and cooks show us their favourite recipes to mark a romantic occasion, whether it be Valentine’s Day or an anniversary.
In Lochs, an experienced baker shows him her loveheart-shaped biscuits filled with jam. Then, in Tong, he samples the perfect chocolate indulgence that is sure to melt any heart - a chocolate and salted caramel tart. And Gregor spices things up by adding chilli to his handmade chocolate truffles. These are recipes to show you care. Show less